Sunday, February 26, 2012

Literacy Resources

A way to support English language learners in their literacy comprehension is to include texts that are culturally relevant. It is also important to recognize that student's first language is a resource that they can can use to help them in their development of their second language. Many schools have literacy instruction for English language learners in their first language. Their literacy skills are strengthen in their first language and then they are able to take these skills and transfer them to their second language literacy. In order to encourage first language as a resource we can include bilingual texts in our classrooms.

A website that provides multiple literacy resources for teachers, parents, and administrators is Colorin Colorado.

Colorin Colorado:

Other literacy webistes include:

1 comment:

  1. -Lucia,
    Thanks for the reminder about Colorin Colorado! With so many things to do lately, I hadn't been to that resource in a while. I appreciate your remarks here, reminding me of what an excellent resource that is- especially for the bilingual texts they offer. I recently realized I need to read more in Spanish(even though it is not always easy for me) in order to develop my vocabulary. If I go to Colorin Colorado! more often- it should help me. Thanks for sharing your insight here.
